
Hi! I’m Dori Muranyi.

I have always identified as an artist. It was perfectly self-evident and natural for me, even though I have never had any formal art education. As my life progressed, school, university, studying in Japan and then my job consumed more and more of my time and energy, and I have felt for a long time that my identity as an artist is being stripped away.
Looking back at the past years with a thankful heart, I am now finally reclaiming my life and dreams to thrive as an artist.
This blog is my open journal about the journey of refining my art skills, finding my way in the world of art business, my new, self-employed life and making it as a freelancer. I might occasionally sprinkle in some posts related to lifestyle, health, happiness and thinking green, all from an artist’s point of view.

If the above makes you feel like we might have a similar way of thinking, or we could be in a similar spot in life, I would love for us to connect! Thank you for dropping by, and have a beautiful day! 🙂